Sabtu, 09 Desember 2017

English Task: Dialogue about the person who influences in one's life.

The person who influences in one's life.

Ashlan: Assalammualaikum
Fathan: Waalaikum Salam
Ashlan: how are you friends?
Fathan: Alhamdulillah I'm fine
Ashlan: Hey, I have a question about you
Fathan: What question?
Ashlan: What do you think is the person who influenced your life?
Fathan: Of course my parents.
Ashlan: waw, good. can you give me a reason?
Fathan: Of course, my parents are the ones who always help me in living my daily life ..... you know that I have a heart problem, which causes me to be too risky if I am left alone against the world. many people who have heart problems left alone or can be called self-sufficient die at an age like me just because his parents or his closest relatives did not support him and help him against the world. therefore my parents always support me and always make and love me with all my heart so that I can live life with happiness.
Ashlan: what's the example?
Fathan: Do you know? the main treatment for my heart problem is oxygen therapy. my parents always prepare oxygen for me in school and other activities. because if I do not use oxygen in carrying out activities that can be pretty heavy. I can not do it maximally. besides, my parents always keep my body and medicines in order to keep my body fit and stay fit, even so, still the fatigue is not unavoidable, depending on my heart.
Ashlan: wow your parents are really amazing , they greatly affect your life, because with your parents. you can run everyday activities with very enjoy.
Fathan: Of course, my parents are very concerned about me, I am very grateful alhamdulillah have parents like them.
Ashlan: Oh yes, it looks like I have to go back to class. see you again, Wassalammualaikum.
Fathan: I also seem to have to go to class. See you soon, Waalaikum Salam.


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